Islamic Creed | Correct Aqidah

Creed of Islam. Pillars of Iman. Tauhid. Eman. Tawhid. Touheed. Thowheed

Do you KNOW what you BELIEVE? Are your beliefs the same as those of Prophet’s?

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  1. Are the Angels and Jinns the same creatures? Do ghosts (souls of dead) exist?
  2. Qadr: If Allah knows if you would go to Heaven or Hell, why should you do good?
  3. If Allah is really Merciful, then why did tsunami & wars happen?
  4. Why shouldn’t you, while in distress, call “Ya Muhyiddeen” (or, “Ya Ghawth“) even though you believe Allah is the Helper and Muhyideen Abdul Qadir Jilani is only an intermediary?
  5. Do you know if Jesus (Prophet ‘Eesa) would come back?
  6. If a person is married but have no kids for 10 years, do you think Allah is being harsh on him?
  7. Is social democracy the best form of Government for our times?
  8. Are the punishments in the grave real, or just spiritual or illusory?
  9. Was Islam founded or established by Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)? No. Or, is Islam the religion of all Prophets (AH)? Yes
  10. You are committing minor sins (We all do), and your friends / relatives demand that you do a major sin. You refuse. They say, “Well, you are not a holy man. Come on, just do it once”. How would you respond? Why is it NOT OK to commit major sins?
  11. Will all those who are born to Muslim parents go to Heaven (at least after some punishment in Hell)? No
  12. What are the conditions / requirements to get into Heaven (Jannah)? Will doing more good deeds (more charity, sunnah prayers, etc.) in this world make any difference in the Hereafter?
  13. Are there differences in punishments for those who enter Hell (Jahannam or Naar)? Are there levels in Hellfire?
  14. Were the original Torah (Taurat) and Bible (Injeel) revealed by Allah? Or, were they created by humans?
  15. Prophet (pbuh) said, “The space taken up in the Hereafter by something as little as the whip of one of you is better than the whole of this earth and what is on it.” (Sahih Bukhari). He (pbuh) is basically saying an inch of the paradise is better than the whole world & its riches. Do you think there is some exaggeration in this? No


This blog will, insha Allah, try to provide some introductory materials on the matters of our faith (Iman or Eemaan). Most Aalims (Ulema or Scholars) don’t talk or write about these matters (Pillars of FAITH) as they talk about pillars of Islam or other issues.


What would happen to a tree without roots?

What would happen to a building with a weak foundation?

A strong Islam, a strong community need a strong Iman / Faith.  And, logically one can’t claim to believe in something if he has no knowledge about it. We all know the six items to believe in. But, how do we believe in each of those six? What is our belief about Messengers? How much do we know about Hereafter, and so on.


Meaning of Aqeedah

The term Aqeedah comes from Aqd (Ayn, Qaf, Daal), meaning knot, affirmed, deliberate. Its plural is Aqaaidh. From the shariah perspective, Aqeedah means “Certainty of belief and being contented”

Aqeedah is the matter of knowledge. The Muslim must believe in his/her heart and have faith and conviction, with no doubts or misgivings


What do we Believe?

The Messenger has believed in what was revealed to him from his Lord, and [so have] the believers. All of them have believed in Allah and His angels and His books and His messengers, [saying], “We make no distinction between any of His messengers.” And they say, “We hear and we obey. [We seek] Your forgiveness, our Lord, and to You is the [final] destination.” (Qur’an 2:285)

In the famous Hadeeth of Jibreel, we see “… He (the Messenger of Allah) answered, “It is that you believe in Allah and His angels and His Books and His Messengers and in the Last Day, and in fate (qadar), both in its good and in its evil aspects.” (Sahih Muslim)

In the matters of faith, as in all aspects of Islam, we should go to the correct sources of knowledge – Qur’an and authentic Hadeeths. It is critical that we believe exactly like the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) did.


Order of Chapters in Sahih Bukhari

The great Imam Muhammad ibn Ismail al-Bukhari (may Allah have mercy on him) began his book with “The Beginning of Revelation” and then he followed it with chapters on faith, followed by the chapters on knowledge. As if he means to point out that the first obligation upon a human being is faith or Iman and the way to attaining faith is knowledge. And the source of faith and knowledge is revelation. So he began by showing how the revelation occurred and what it was like. Then he followed by mentioning faith and knowledge. This arrangement is no accident; by it he makes some important points


Where do we begin the journey of knowledge

Start from the definitions, benefits, categories, etc of Tawheed at


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Written by S Ibrahim

Jun 15, 2014 at 8:31 pm

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